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Monday 30th March 2020


Shit day today. I had a load of work I needed to do and George would just not leave my side all day long. In-between me getting him snacks and drinks, looking at his pattern worksheets for the 7,392nd time and stopping him doing flips on my bed, he whined at me to print stuff off or to play on my computer and any time I left the room he shouted “Mum, are you here?”

I also heard the words I’ve been dreading today…..”I HATE carrot puffs. They’re yucky.”

It’s hardly surprising – he has eaten approximately 483 packets since the start of last week but it’s an additional stress I could certainly do without at the moment. He’s decided he will eat the Carrot Stix but not the puffs. Shame we have a bastarding bin bag full of puffs upstairs. That’ll teach me to stockpile during a crisis hey.....

It got to 5:30pm and I gave up for the day (working and just generally). I’m walking around the living room, picking up all the random shit - wrappers, bits of paper and chewed up bits of Blu Tack and George comes and puts his arms around me without saying anything. It’s hard when you’ve had a shite day to remember just how bloody difficult this is for the kids too. Especially an ASC child whose anxiety levels are off the chart on a ‘normal’ day.

Looking down at this face made me feel just a little bit less shit about the whole situation.

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